Zach's Pages

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Surprise Hamburgers..Teach your Kid to Love to Eat and Make BBQ!

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Some of the guys and gals from bass boat central have tried this out! They LOVE it!

Like all things in life, kids learn what they like to do at an early age. There are a few (ok, I remember a lot) things from my childhood that really stand out. I was REALLY REALLY fortunate to spend a lot of time with various family members. Each family member  that I spent time with has their own "thing", which is what I blame for my broad range of hobbies. In this case, lets talk about where I got my love to BBQ...and how you can start your kids down the same path. Of all hobbies they have, this sure is a good one!

Every few years, my aunt (my mom's sister) would take me down to stay with her in Birmingham. She took this visit seriously and would plan all kinds of awesome things, from running a 1 mile Fun Run, to climbing up The Vulcan (google it). But, each night, dinner was an adventure. My Aunt Ann loves to cook. She is very eclectic in this area. But there is one meal that we always cooked that fostered a love for BBQ at a very early age.

It's called Surprise Hamburgers.

It's a simple thing, really, and I don't mean to try to pass it off as something new or unique. However, it will get your kids in the kitchen and outside to learn and enjoy the wonders of good BBQ.

What are surprise hamburgers? Well, we would take turns making each other's hamburgers, specifically, deciding what  toppings to use. I would make hers and she would make mine. Why is that fun? How did we do it? Well, I will tell you.

  • Patty out your ground beef into 6 inch diameter burgers. Get them as thin as you can. You will need 2 per burger
  • Season with just a few dashes of Worcestershire and Lowry's. Rub it in good and don't let it puddle
  • Decide on what kind of toppings you would like for you hamburger. I would suggest mushrooms, cheese, onions, and bacon.
  • Chop these toppings up very fine so that you can have a high density of toppings.
  • Lay these on the center of one of the pattys. Now, less is more. If you have too much, you won't be able to pull this off
  • Lay the second patty on top and gently seal the edges
  • When you move these assembled, use a large spatula...maybe even two. They will be heavy and unable to support their own weight.
  • Make sure the grill has plenty of non-stick spray
  • Only flip these burgers once, otherwise they might fall apart
  • When removing, utilize the same large spatula or two

Again, the trick is to have fun with it. Like I said earlier, we would take turns putting toppings in for each other while keeping it a secret. It's just as much fun to put your own toppings in...esp if you don't like certain toppings or don't trust your co-BBQ'er. 

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