Zach's Pages

Monday, May 12, 2014

Best5Garden Update

So, let's bump this a little bit.

If you don't remember, I had an abundance of tomatoes on my hands. I tried to list them on several FaceBook pages, but no one was interested.

In the meantime, I really needed to get my plants in the ground. They were quickly outgrowing the Dixie cups and other temporary plant houses I could scrounge up.

I was leaving (and I am currently in) for Utah, so I begged my dad to get the tiller over to my house. Of course he did, cause he is a great dad. I took an afternoon off on Monday, right before Tiger Trek 2014, to till up the garden. The general idea was to repeat the size of last years garden, which was approx 100x80 feet. I spread a bag of lime and I went to work.

Alyse followed behind me and raked out the weeds and grass. After 3 hours, we had done enough tilling to get some of the tomatoes planted. 35 of them, to be exact.
Then, it was off to Tiger Trek 2014. Man, what a great time. And then on Tuesday, it was off to Utah for work.

While I was gone, my wife listed the tomatoes for sale on several Facebook pages and managed to sell 26 of them in ONE DAY. I am glad they went to good homes.

When I got back, it was back to work on finishing the tilling. But, after I started the tiller, I noticed the tines weren't turning. I had noticed the week previous that the drive belt was making some awful racket. upon inspection, the belt had broken. So, it was off to the parts store to find a replacement. After one wrong belt, we had the right one installed. You can see the busted one on top and the new one (green) installed. 
Since the grass also needed to be cut, I decided to let Alyse cut it. That's a big step of faith for me. No one can cut grass like me (at least I think). I am picky about it. But, after several trial runs in past years, I felt like she was POSSIBLY ready. So, as I tilled, she cut. And, as I knew she would....she did a great job. 
After she finished up, we both went to planting. We got all the tomatoes and peppers planted! 

After we were done in the yard, we noticed this little guy. He had apparently fallen out of his nest, but seemed to be ok, other than he was VERY hot. We helped him up(without using our hands) and got him in the shade. Minutes later, he was gone! Hope he does ok! 

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