Zach's Pages

Monday, June 30, 2014

Garden Update 6/28/14

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Well, it's all starting to pay off! In some cases, it's been 2 years in the making. Take the blueberry bushes, for example. The first bush didn't produce but one or two berries last year and the second bush wasn't planted until  late last year.

But, on Saturday morning, my wife was planning to cook pancakes. Griffin, the middle kid, suddenly froze in his tracks, looked at Alyse and said: "I have a GREAT idea!" So, he put on his boots, rushed outside and picked a handful of berries. He brought them to Alyse and demanded they be cooked in his pancake. And so it was done.

Gavin decided that he wasn't going to be outdone, so he went out himself. Though there weren't any more ripe berries, he was determined to partake. So he did. Check out this vid of him! 

Around lunch time, I went stomping around in the garden. I had already picked a few squash and I didn't think there was anything else that had ripened. But, upon lifting some leaves, I was astounded to find this!

Which demanded that we have a lunch consisting of only fresh produce. First up, fried green tomatoes, which I had never cook myself. I started with heating up a pan of cooking oil. I breaded them lightly in a mixture of cornmeal and flour with an Italian seasoning mixture. I also cooked the squash in the same way.

I rounded this out with one of my favorite recipes, cucumber salad.
What is this tasty dish and how do you make it? Easy! Just CLICK THIS LINK! 

While the garden is just starting to produce the fruits of my labor, I exclaimed to my wife that this one meal already made all the work worth it!

On a sad note, I did notice that many of the tomato plants have some sort of fungus on the leaves. A coworker said that I wasn't fertilizing them enough. I will look into that.

Additionally, at least one squash plant was claimed by the grubs.

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