PTL came out with some NEW BAITS and COLORS today and I want to put them in your hands.
You know, one of the hardest parts of representing a bait company and trying to persuade others that it's the real deal is that people are dead set on their big name brands. I mean, you can catch fish, post videos with the fish, do product reviews, the whole 9 yards, but people won't buy into it.
I have found with my own hand poured swimbaits that you can give away hundreds of them for people to burn test, but if they have no vested interest, then they won't buy. Why? I don't know.
So, I tell you what we are going to do. I am going to "encourage" you guys...out of my own try PTL. Sure. It MIGHT cost you a few dollars. But you will be glad I did.
What are you buying? Here are two my favorites! The Gator and Craw D'Ouevre!

Here are the rules and prizes:
- Click this link . It will give you 10% off your ENTIRE ORDER. I mean, isn't that good enough? Nope. I am going to do even better
- Go to the PowerTeam Lures Site and shop.
- Go buy some PTL lures. I don't care if you buy a bargain bin $1.50 pack of closeout baits.
- When you are checking out..this is VERY IMPORTANT! the "Comments" section, put "Referred by Best5Zach."
- Email me the order number at
- For every $10 you spend, I will put your name in the hat to draw out a free care package ON MY DIME.
- If you haven't liked my FaceBook Page, do so. That will get you another entry in the hat. Just comment on my wall and say "I liked your page. Give me free stuff".
- If you haven't followed my Twitter account, do so. You can follow me @Best5Zach That will get you another entry in the hat.
- If you spend $25, I will send you a PTL care package. Period. This will include packs of my favorite PTL baits, a T-shirt, who knows!
- The person who spends the most.....I will send a massive care package. T-shirts, Decals, and PRO PACKS of your choice of baits. Hey. It can't get any easier.
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